



For anonymous who asked for a cat.
This is very late and I sincerely apologise for that. I’ll try to answer asks whenever I have the time

KITTY 😀  So cute!
Anyone want to play name the cat?

Yees !! Let’s find heer a name ! I think she looks like Garfield^^ or “Gatto” or “Gattino” ? to keep it Italian ?

Leo insists that she has to be called Little Miss Flufflebuffle. We disagree…

FFS Leo, this is why we don’t like it when you name so much as your own inventions! 😛




“Ride A Cock Horse”, a traditional nursery rhyme here partially sung by Charlie Havistock (Blake Ritson) to his son, Percy.

Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
And she shall have music wherever she goes

Ok… now imagine dear Lord Riario doing the same 😈😍😈

😀  Lullabies by the Count? Yeesss. But something more period and culture appropriate, I assume. Does @idriseleven have any suggestions? 😛
